
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday June 29th- 2.3" rain, Course Open, no carts.

I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at the golf course this morning. Since yesterday afternoon 2.3" of rain fell since and it was extremely heavy during the early evening hours. The golf course is open because the greens drained great overnight. The decision to install drainage in the greens 6 years ago continues to pay off day after day.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Spilled drinks CAN kill turf!

Please be careful when you have drinks on the golf course (especially alcoholic). Any spills will damage the turf which would takes weeks to recover. Place bottles, cans and glasses off the greens, fairways and tees while hitting your next shot. Thank you!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fairway topdressing today.

We will be topdressing with straight sand the fairways today and tomorrow. By doing this, the sand over time can improve the soil (many applications), help aide in reducing thatch and smooth the surface. We will apply approximately 10 tons per acre, which sounds like a lot but really is not. That would provide maybe a 1/8" layer of sand. This rate is the maximum we would apply during this time of the season, the cooler temperature in the spring and fall would allow us to apply more for a thicker layer. We are planning for another application in October.